Reducing climate and environmental impact

Reducing our CO2 footprint
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is currently one of the most pressing issues facing society. For us at Melbye it is a question of reducing the company’s negative impact on the environment and the world around us.
At Melbye, we take our commitments very seriously. We have therefore started to identify the sources of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions for all companies in Melbye Group AS.
Moving forward we will start examining Scope 3 emissions. Our long-term goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Reducing our environmental impact
Our waste at Melbye consists mainly of corrugated cardboard, wood and residual waste, as well as small volumes of WEEE and plastic. We employ professional companies to handle this waste.
We are continuously working to maintain focus on recycling, but also on reducing the overall amount of waste. We do this by reducing our consumption of packaging materials, by using smarter packaging, and by reusing packaging. Everything we buy in terms of packaging is eco-labelled.
Our goal in Norway is to have a recycling rate over 80%.
In our upstream supply chain, we make a conscious effort to work with our suppliers to reduce the amount of packaging – both in terms of product packaging and transport packaging.
We are also working on optimising our inbound and outbound transports with the goal of reaching an optimal packing quantity in order to avoid a large number of small orders.

Documenting the climate and environmental impact of our products
Documenting the climate and environmental impact of our products is something that will become increasingly important in the future. We are therefore striving to collect as much information as possible about the products we sell so that this can be documented. Some of this information may include the following:
Conflict Minerals 3TG
We maintain an overview of everything we import, and information about this can be provided on request. The product in question must be specified. You can find more information here.
The REACH Regulation
As an importer, we have a great responsibility to provide documentation about the chemical content of our products. This is contained in the safety data sheet for each product.
This will be an important evidence base in the future, and in this respect we depend on our suppliers to obtain the right documentation. This is something we actively request, and it will continue to be a regular topic of discussion with our suppliers. EPD can be found here

Increased circular solutions
As a commercial company, the products we buy are very important to our customers. Here we have the opportunity to steer the customer in a more sustainable direction in terms of product purchases.
In line with the EU’s action plan for a circular economy, we will continue to work to increase the market shares of products and solutions that are less environmentally harmful than traditional solutions. At the same time, we will highlight the solutions within our product categories that are more environmentally sound and circular.
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